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Shower- Is There A Right Way To Do It?

Is there a RIGHT way to take a shower? You’ve probably been taking a one for as long as you can remember. It seems like a pretty straightforward concept but there’s a science behind it that not many people think of. Getting in the shower and washing off all the dirt and grime that your body has collected throughout the day seems hard to mess up. Did you know that there are specific things that you can do throughout your showers to make them more efficient for you and your skin?

Not taking care of your skin can result in skin conditions in the future. Taking the right showers and completing the steps the right way can be a great way to prevent any of that. Making sure your health is in great shape starts with good hygiene so it’s important to take a shower the right way.

We know that staying clean may be very important to some people but you don’t actually have to take a shower every day. According to Healthline your skin can look better if you cut back on the showers per week. This can be different during the summer months when you’re sweating more. During winter your skin dries a lot more so it’s important o keep it as moisturized as possible. Consistently showering and rubbing the oils from your skin can actually cause skin irritation.

Taking a shower with soap and water will get the job done but if you want to get it right then there are some steps you should watch out for. The first one is the temperature of the water. This can actually make a difference in how you feel and how your skin reacts post shower. We all know the great feeling of showering with hot water but it’s actually not great for our skin. It’s better to feel warm water before getting in the shower so that your skin can thank you later.

The next step of course is to wash your hair. The mistake a lot of people do is to put the shampoo all over their hair. It’s important to focus on your scalp. The shampoo will trickle down your hair and wash the rest of your hair ass you was it off. Putting shampoo on your ends will bring it closer to dryness and breakage. That’s why you should watch the amount of shampoo that reaches your ends.

After that is focusing on conditioning your hair the right way. When you put the conditioner on your hair make sure you’re focusing on the ends. That way they will absorb as much of it as possible. Putting the conditioner on your roots can cause your hair to be oily later on.

As you can see we didn’t’ put body was as any of the first steps. That’s because it should be done after you put conditioner on your hair. This way you can was away any of the residue that the conditioner left on our skin. If you don’t then you are allowing your pores to be clogged in the end. When washing your body make sure that you don’t over exfoliate. This can cause irritation and future skin conditions.

Once you get out of the shower pat your skin to the point where it’s damp. Believe it or not this is the best time to put on moisturizer. With your skin being damp, the moisturizer will lock in the extra moisture and make sure that your skin stays as hydrated as possible.

As you can see, the way that you shower plays a big part in how your skin will react. It’s important that we take care of our skin at all times so that it can stay healthy and strong. For those times that your skin needs an extra boost, the IV lounge has the perfect fix. Our Beauty Cocktail is great to make sure your skin is strong and healthy.

Make sure you try it out for yourself! Give us a call and we’ll help you schedule your appointment today.


Works Cited

Watson, Kathryn. Step-By-Step Guide to Showering and Bathing Properly. 4 June 2020. <>.