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Understanding Atherosclerosis and Heart Health

Drawing of "atherosclerosis" with people clutching their chests, highlighting the condition's impact on heart health.

Atherosclerosis: The Silent Threat to Heart Health  Atherosclerosis is a condition that significantly impacts heart health, involving the buildup of fatty deposits called plaques on the inner walls of arteries. This condition can lead to serious health issues, including heart attacks and strokes. Understanding atherosclerosis is crucial for maintaining heart health and preventing cardiovascular diseases.  […]

Think Smarter: Enhance Cognitive Function

cognitive function

Cognitive Function: Tips for a Sharp, Healthy Mind  Cognitive function refers to a broad array of mental capabilities and processes that are essential for carrying out daily activities and navigating life effectively. These functions include memory, attention, language, problem-solving, and planning. Cognitive health is a critical component of overall well-being, impacting our ability to learn, […]

What You Should Know About Your Cholesterol-


What You Should Know About Your Cholesterol- Disease Overview: According to Mayo Clinic, cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood use to build healthy cells. But too much of it may put you at risk of heart disease. When you have high cholesterol, you can develop fatty deposits in the walls of your […]

Enjoy Actively Aging


Enjoy Actively Aging Our assumptions about the elderly are generally fed by stereotypes and caricatures. These assumptions are often supported by some of the people we know in our own lives. Certainly, some people lose their ability to move well as they are aging, but that doesn’t mean that you have to. Typically, the mental […]

NAD+- The Science Of Aging-


NAD+- The Science Of Aging- What is NAD+? NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. NAD+ is a coenzyme found in, and produced by, every living cell in your body. NAD has a role in regulating metabolism and your circadian rhythm (“body clock”). Recently, it has also been found to have a possible role in cellular […]

NAD+: The Body’s Ultimate Regulator-


NAD+: The Body’s Ultimate Regulator- What is NAD+? NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It is a coenzyme found in, and produced by, every living cell in your body. This coenzyme has a role in regulating metabolism and your circadian rhythm (“body clock”). Recently, it has also been found to have a possible role in […]

Hot Sauce- The Secret To Weight loss?

hot sauce

Hot Sauce- The Secret To Weight loss? Are you one of those people that need to chose the ‘mild’ option at restaurants or are you someone who needs to feel your tongue burning halfway through your meal? Regardless of your choice, it’s good to know the positive benefits that hot sauce has on your body. […]

Will Wine Be Your Hearts Savior?


Will Wine Be Your Hearts Savior?- Ending the workday with a glass of wine always sounds like a good idea. It has been consumed for thousands of years and just seems to be getting more popular as the years go by. Wine is used for personal, religious, and even social reasons. What a lot of […]

What About Taurine?


What About Taurine? – When you hear about Taurine, you probably don’t hear a lot about how it can do wonders for the skin. It’s known as an amino acid that supports the metabolism and boosts the health of the eyes, heart, and even muscles. It’s something that you can find in meat and fish […]

Put A Pep In Your Step With This #1 Shot

Put A Pep In Your Step With This Shot The IV Lounge

Put a Pep in Your Step With This Shot We all know the struggles of having to wake up early in the morning not feeling our best. Some people just aren’t used to getting up early in the morning for work. Others just can’t seem to gather up enough energy to physically get out of […]