Discover sustained health with our expertly formulated wellness infusions.

NAD+: The Body’s Ultimate Regulator-


NAD+: The Body’s Ultimate Regulator- What is NAD+? NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It is a coenzyme found in, and produced by, every living cell in your body. This coenzyme has a role in regulating metabolism and your circadian rhythm (“body clock”). Recently, it has also been found to have a possible role in […]

3 Tasty Teas To Help You Sleep-


3 Tasty Teas To Help You Sleep- Being able to get a good night sleep is crucial for how we carry on our day and even our health. With sleep being so important you’d think a lot more people would get enough of it. Approximately 30% of people suffer from insomnia. Regardless of the reason, […]

Optimal Health- 4 Easy Ways To Reach It


Optimal Health-4 Easy Ways To Reach It There are a lot of factors that play a part in how healthy we are. Having overall good health can decrease our risk of developing certain conditions in the future. Some people decide to make huge changes in their lies but what they don’t know is that making […]

Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats- What You Need To Know


Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats- Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats provide us with most of our energy. When you want to start on a diet plan, it’s important to keep your body balanced. Without one then your body will notice the difference. You have to make sure that you are getting a little bit of both because […]

Should You Eat Before Your Workout?


Should You Eat Before Your Workout? The fitness world is so intricate and complex that for anyone wanting to start their fitness journey, they should definitely do some research. One of the biggest controversies is whether or not you should eat before a workout. We all know eating after a workout is very important but […]

Does Melatonin Work?


Does Melatonin Work? Melatonin supplements are growing in popularity, as more people understand how much it can help them sleep at night. Our body produces it naturally which is how we start to feel sleepy at night but some people use supplements as a way to help them get longer sleeps or when they’re feeling […]

Shoot Down Muscle Soreness The Right Way-


Shoot Down Muscle Soreness The Right Way- Starting a new kind of workout can be challenging for some people. Sadly, or not, working out is very important to making sure that our bodies remain healthy. Not only that but it’s a great way to boost confidence and even feel better throughout the day. Only problem […]

4 Common Vitamin Deficiencies-


4 Common Vitamin Deficiencies- To be able to reach optimal health and wellbeing your body needs many nutrients. A lot of them are either made naturally in your body or can be acquired through the foods you eat. In rare cases you can become deficient in some nutrients and that can have a negative effect […]

Will Wine Be Your Hearts Savior?


Will Wine Be Your Hearts Savior?- Ending the workday with a glass of wine always sounds like a good idea. It has been consumed for thousands of years and just seems to be getting more popular as the years go by. Wine is used for personal, religious, and even social reasons. What a lot of […]

4 Natural Joint Pain Remedies-

joint pain

4 Natural Joint Pain Remedies- A lot of the time when we begin to feel body aches, we’re told that we’re “getting old.” In some cases this is true but there are people that experience body aches for many reasons. There have been instances where doctors see patients of all ages complain of muscle and […]