Working Out: Morning or Night?
Working Out: Morning or Night? Now I know that the words working out can mean different things for many people. You’re either someone who takes it very seriously or someone who puts it at the bottom of your priority list. Whichever one you are, it’s no secret that exercise is important for our health. One of the biggest questions that people ask is if it’s better to work out in the morning or at the end of the day. This can be a hard question to answer because of the fact that everybody’s schedules are different so at the end of the day it has to be whatever works best for you. Of course with everything that you do, there are pros and cons. This also goes for working out. When you workout in the morning, research says that you tend to sleep better at night. We all know that sleep is important for our bodies to function the way they should throughout the day. CNET brings up the fact that it can even be a great way to change your circadian rhythm. Morning exercise can help make you more alert in the daytime, which will then make you more tired in the evenings. Because working out in the mornings can make you more alert, it is said that people who decide to workout in the morning seem to be more consistent. It can help leave less room for excuses after a long day of work and other duties. Fitting in a workout after your day is something that people rarely do. There are, though, a handful of people that can knock it out no matter when they finish their day. When it comes to afternoon-evening workouts, it is said that your physical performance may improve because some people function better later in the day. We all know how it feels to get off of a long day at work. Our stress levels are probably on 100 and all we want to do is make it all go away. Exercising is a great way to do that. It has been proven to help you wind down before bed by releasing endorphins into your body. At the end of the day while there are pros to both times, the right time to workout is whenever you can! If you are a morning person, then you know you’ll get better results at that time. If you’re a night person then night workouts are for you. There is also the point of busy schedules. Some schedules may not allow for you to work out in the morning and vice versa so it’s up to what you can handle. It is important to be able to keep a routine. This way your body understands when it should be burning the most calories. This can eventually help with long-term weight loss. Eventually, it’s just a great thing to be able to get up and workout! We offer an IV diet that helps with improving your athletic performance so that if you want to try a new workout schedule, you don’t feel so beat up. This is called the Athletic Recovery Cocktail. It helps with reviving your fatigued and dehydrated muscles for a more productive workout. Call us at The IV Lounge to hear more information and make an appointment today! Bibliography Capritto, Amanda. “This is The Best Time Of Day To Exercise, Backed By Science.” CNET, 15 July 2021,
Infrared Sauna: Before or After a Workout?
Infrared Sauna: Before or After a Workout? An infrared Sauna is meant to feel like a warm hug and sometimes you just don’t want to let go. There has been a lot of talk about when is the right time to go into a sauna. A warm hug is as close to an explanation as I can get. Sometimes you really just don’t want to let go of a warm hug so going into the sauna before a workout will probably make you unmotivated to actually get anything done. Now that you know that partaking in the wonders of an infrared sauna is better AFTER your workout, Pro Series is here to help us explain why: Loss of Energy- One of the main purposes of a sauna is to relax you. You’ll notice that after a session you’ll have a better night’s Doing it before a workout won’t make you very productive. Your muscles won’t want to do as much work as you may want them to. Dehydration- The heat from the session will cause you to sweat a lot, which is why it’s recommended to drink a lot of water before and after. If you decide to go to the gym after, you are risking becoming severely dehydrated which won’t do your body any good. No extra burn! – When you leave the sauna, you will continue to burn calories at least 30 minutes after. It’s really great because you will be doing nothing and still burning some extra calories. If you go before the gym, these times will overlap and you won’t really have any extra calories that are being burned. Have I convinced you to go only after your workout yet? If not then keep reading. When you go to the sauna, your muscles will relax which makes them more prone to injury. Going to the gym after the fact will increase your chances of getting hurt. If you think about it, your mental state is also more relaxed so you won’t really be paying attention to the gym equipment and what you’re actually doing. The IV Lounge offers an infrared sauna to all of our customers. Not only does it offer many benefits, but it can also aid you in your fitness journey. If saunas aren’t your thing, we also have many different IV Cocktails that will help rehydrate you while burning some calories. We have the Athletic Recovery Cocktail and even the Immune Support Cocktail for whatever needs you may have. Come give us a visit so that you can give our Infrared Sauna a try! Maybe even indulge in our other services too. Bibliography “5 Amazing Reasons You Should Use An Infrared Sauna After A Workout.” Pro Series, 14 February 2020,
Do Sweatbands Really Work?
Do Sweatbands Really Work? You’ve probably noticed that many celebrities seem to be joining in the sweatbands trend. It just seems like it’s the perfect accessory. It can even make you think that you’re working harder. This may have you thinking that you’re benefiting from it. A lot of people think that it’s the cure to their weight loss problems. But that might not be the case. There have been a lot of questions about whether they really provide any benefits for your body. The bands are made from a Neoprene material that is said to make your midsection sweat more. Because of this, some people say it will help you lose inches off your waist. Live Healthy compares it to a “mini sauna”. The sweatband keeps you from drying off and cooling down. This will result in you sweating even more. Many trainers say that weight loss isn’t always about sweating. It’s said to work temporarily but won’t provide any long-term changes. A sweatband will help you get rid of some water weight. When you eventually rehydrate, it will all come back. It’s important to keep in mind that sweating more does not mean you’re losing weight. It will just be water loss. This, in turn, will make you more dehydrated. As a result of being dehydrated, you will probably drink more water. After drinking that water, whatever weight you lost will return. Some people say that it can be useful if you want to fit into something for an event later in the day. After that, your body composition won’t be changed. According to USA Today, they are more of a temporary alternative. Another downside to sweatbands is that they can prevent your core from engaging. This is false hope. Not only are you not getting what were promised, but you’re also missing the true benefits of your workouts. This can be a huge stop sign in your fitness journey. It has been said that these sweatbands could make it harder to lose the weight. As the sweatband compresses your stomach it may cause more serious problems like hypertension and stroke. Fats shouldn’t simply be compressed, they should be eliminated. There really isn’t much good news when it comes to sweatbands. There are many outrageous claims that using a sweatband “the right way” will give you the body of your dreams. The right way to lose the fat is to take the right steps. Focus on consuming a nutrient rich diet and increase your exercise time. Once you reach a healthy balance with both diet and exercise, you’ll start to notice the weight coming off. One of the healthiest ways to lose weight is to adopt a calorie deficit diet combined with more exercise. This means either getting 500 fewer calories per day or taking part in longer periods of exercises. This will typically result in you losing about 1 pound a week. A good way to help eat fewer calories is to consume more fiber and protein. These two types of foods increase satiety that quickly helps you feel more satisfied, resulting in you eating fewer calories. You can also eat foods that have a higher water content. Try some broth-based meals or even adding more fruits and vegetables that will help fill you up. The combination of diet and exercise has been shown to work for proper weight loss. Here at the IV Lounge, we offer an IV infusion specifically designed for weight loss that can change the way you feel. The Athletic Performance Cocktail is a specialized blend of amino acids and vitamins. Together, they can aid in exercise performance. The vitamins in the B family will promote energy and even decrease sugar cravings. In turn it may help you speed up your weight loss journey. If you have any questions, please call us at. Our professional medical team can answer any questions you may have.
Can IV Therapy Help with Weight Loss?
Can IV Therapy Help With Weight Loss? Can you slim down with the help of this practice? There are always people looking for help when it comes to their weight loss journey. Either it’s due to a medical issue or it’s a goal for performance and personal reasons. For as long as people have been trying to lose weight, they have also been looking for better and faster ways to do it. Thanks to the boom in popularity of IV Therapy, people have now set their sights on this treatment to see if it could help them improve their bodies so it would positively impact their lives. The Answer If you’re reading this, then you may have a guess of what the answer to that question is, but we still need to cover a few bases first. A combination of a solid nutrition plan, regular exercise, and a commitment to the goal are all required for you to lose weight. You should also talk to your physician about your particular medical history before committing to any program like that. We don’t want anyone to believe that simply going to have an IV Therapy treatment is going to be all you have to do in order to lose weight and get leaner. Now that that’s out of the way, yes, IV Therapy can in fact play a positive role in your commitment to lose weight and improve your wellness levels. This is because that IV Therapy can both boost your hydration and provide your body with necessary vitamins and minerals. According to IV Me Now, one of the many benefits of IV Therapy is its ability to help burn fat and increase metabolism. One example of this is our Athletic Performance Cocktail. There are amino acids that will increase your energy levels as well as enhance your performance when you’re exercising, improve blood flow, and rebuild muscle mass after the training is over. Instead of taking hours to drink water to recover and rehydrate, the fluids in that cocktail will help you rehydrate in a matter of minutes. That recovery time can be a big advantage when it comes to improving fitness and losing pounds. The advantage to IV Therapy is that the fluids and amino acids in that cocktail don’t have to go through the digestive system. Everything you need goes straight to your muscular system to be distributed and processed as needed. When these cocktails are combined with intramuscular shots like the B12 Super Shot or other shots that provide B-vitamins, the result is an enhanced feeling of wellness which could translate into other areas of your life like improved confidence, increased commitment to achieving your goal, and a greater desire to achieve even more than you may have already. Conclusion Can IV Therapy help you lose weight? Yes, it can. It may not be an end-all solution, but it can certainly play a very important role in a greater overall plan to help you tighten that belt a little tighter, choose clothes from the smaller sizes on the rack, and ultimately, be healthier. If you want to learn more about which cocktails can help you reach your weight loss goals, contact us today for more information and to set up an appointment.
Detox and Infrared Saunas
Detox and Infrared Saunas Clean up your body by sitting down. You’ve heard the word “detox” a lot and may not have a full understanding of what it is or how you do it. Before we get into one incredible way of doing it, let’s talk for a bit about what detoxification is. Detox Definition To detox your body means you’re going through the process of removing toxins from your body. In most cases, detoxing is associated with drugs, but that isn’t the only reasoning for this process. Overall wellness can be improved thanks to doing this. So what other toxins could be removed? Think about pollutants, synthetic chemicals like pesticides and different cleaners, heavy metals, processed foods you eat, and even second-hand smoke if you’re in close proximity of someone who smokes often. These toxins can alter your DNA, modify gene expression, lead to hormone imbalances, and damage cell membranes. None of those things are good in the short-term and can cause further issues in the long-term future if not addressed. Sitting for a Solution So how does one detox? There are various drinks and diets you can follow. There are supplements that are promoted to help with this, but there is another way is not only faster, but easier for you to do. Seriously, all you have to do is sit. You would be sitting in an infrared sauna. About Infrared Saunas These saunas are different than the traditional version because the heat comes from the infrared lights. This causes the temperature in your body to heat up before the room temperature increases. Since the room itself doesn’t get too hot, you can be more comfortable and sit in these saunas longer. Sitting in infrared saunas will lead you to sweating which can help you remove these toxins from the body quickly. Your entire body will feel that extra warmth so this is a full-body process. Not only will the heat from these saunas help kick toxins out, but it will also help with the production of white blood cells which can serve as extra defenses. Aside from the detoxification, you will notice other benefits from sitting in these saunas. Those rewards include lower blood pressure, muscle and joint pain relief, and stress relief. According to Scottsdale Recovery, infrared saunas are also a great way to promote vasodilation in the body. So not only will you remove the issues that make you feel bad, sitting in this sauna will help you start feeling better sooner. Go Sit in One Today You can read all you want about the benefits that infrared sauna technology offers. However, the only way you can truly understand it for yourself is to feel it for yourself. The good news is that you can do just that thanks to the IV Lounge. Infrared saunas are one of the many services we provide for our clients so they can improve their wellness and overall lives. If you want to learn more about our infrared saunas first-hand by trying it, don’t be shy. Contact us today so we can book your first appointment.
Maximize Your Efforts with the Athletic Recovery Cocktail
Maximize Your Efforts with the Athletic Recovery Cocktail This will help you make the hard work pay off. Consistent and dedicated training is hard work. Whether it’s for your own personal reasons or for performing at a high level in some form of athletics, you’re working to improve day in and day out. That effort isn’t going to help you make the most of your potential if you’re not also paying attention to proper preparation for those sessions as well as your recovery. The IV Lounge offers a one-liter intravenous drip service that can support your efforts so you can reap the rewards you deserve. We call it our “Athletic Recovery Cocktail”. Each of the six amino acids and five B-vitamins offer their own benefits. Together, they make for an awesome combination that you can feel for yourself once you have your first appointment. Glutamine – Glutamine has been a staple in recovery supplementation for decades now. A 2019 study concluded that this could be a beneficial amino acid for athletes who are involved in longer and more exhaustive activities. Ornithine – This amino acid helps support liver health and can remove toxins from the body. It is also responsible for the majority of the nitrogen excretion in the body. Arginine – Arginine has been popular for the last several years because of how it positively affects blood flow. Research in 2017 concluded that it also could help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Citrulline – Citrulline has been seeing a rise in popularity in recent years because of the “pump” benefits people see when they use it as a part of their weight training routines. Like arginine, it’s revered for its blood flow benefits. Lysine – Lysine is an essential amino acid that normally has to be taken in through your diet. It has many functions including helping the body absorb calcium, iron, and zinc as well as promote the growth of collagen. If you suffer from fatigue, irritability, nausea, or a lack of concentration, it could be because you’re lacking this amino acid. Carnitine – The benefits of carnitine are vast. It’s used as a supplement to help with energy production as well as fat loss. It also helps boost your metabolism and delays muscle fatigue. So not only could you have more energy to train, but you could train longer as well. The B-Vitamins If you’re not familiar with all of the rewards that are offered by taking B-vitamins, then make sure to meet the family and get acquainted. The Athletic Recovery Cocktail offers five of these vitamins and then supplemented with an intramuscular shot of Vitamin B-12. Those will work in tandem with the six previously mentioned amino acids so you can be assured that your recovery and preparation for future training or performance sessions are covered on all fronts. If after reading all of this, you think that this cocktail might help you reach the next level and maximize your potential, then contact us so we can set up an appointment and get you on the road to becoming your best.
Why Food Sensitivity Testing is a Recipe for Better Health
Why Food Sensitivity Testing Is a Recipe For Better Health ‘Tis the season for holiday parties—and that means hefty holiday meals. It’s a time of year when everyone gets together to catch up, celebrate, and (of course) eat. But between get-togethers with friends, potlucks at work and family dinners, this can add up to be a recipe for disaster for your body. From Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve, the holiday season is like a month-long eating marathon. Sweets, starches and fatty treats seem to be around every corner, and somehow, you’re always being offered a glass of wine or eggnog. Even activities like baking sugar cookies and building gingerbread houses are centered around food. Eventually, all that eating results in the same infamous cycle: binge, bloat, nap, repeat. For some, the bloating and fatigue are symptoms of a larger, underlying issue: a food sensitivity. Unlike food allergies, sensitivities are usually caused by something known as “leaky gut.” This means certain foods can permeate through your cell lining and into the rest of your body. Approximately 95% of Americans are affected by food sensitivity, yet they’re among the most commonly under-diagnosed areas of clinical medicine. For starters, it can be difficult to correlate your symptoms to a specific food (especially this time of year, when you’re prone to holiday dinner hopping). And the symptoms don’t always show up immediately, making it even harder to pinpoint which ingredient is upsetting your body. Common culprits include: ● Lactose (milk, ice cream, cheese) ● Gluten (bread, pasta, beer) ● Caffeine (coffee, soda, chocolate) ● Sulfites (wine, apple cider, beer) ● Eggs (eggnog, baked goods) ● Food coloring (sodas, candy, icing) That’s a laundry list of things you probably encounter on a daily basis. But the good news is that you don’t have to live with with the gas, cramping, headaches or overall “blegh” feeling that food sensitivities can cause. Orlando’s IV Lounge can help you take control of your body again with the Mediator Release Test (MRT®), a patented blood test that takes guesswork out of the equation. The Iv Lounge personally reviewed more than 10 different tests before deciding to offer MRT—the gold standard for food sensitivity testing that delivers easy-to-digest results. “As a medical doctor, I have a keen understanding of the complexity of science behind food sensitivity tests. There is a plethora of them out there. However, MRT is the most accurate, comprehensive and the only validated test available to determine food sensitivities in patients. For that reason, we don’t guess, we test. We find out and make precise recommendations to patients about their food plans.” Patient Amanda Soto decided to take the test when her gastrointestinal issues lingered even after she eliminated processed foods from her diet. “A lot of foods like chicken, beef—all those hit on my test. So I learned that even though [something] may be considered healthy and unprocessed, even if it is organic, no hormones, free-range, it still may not work with your body. And that’s something you just have to change in your diet in order to have a healthy lifestyle,” said Soto. IV Lounge offers MRT in tandem with concierge dietician services, which include personalized recipes, shopping guides, video consultations, and a 30-day food reintroduction plan to help you navigate the holidays—and improve your overall lifestyle. “I appreciate that [IV Lounge] recognizes that the value of these tests lies in what’s done with the information. Therefore, they partner with dietitians like me, who are trained to not just interpret the tests, but add their experience and knowledge to the test results when planning each patient’s elimination diet,” said Courtney Mosser (RD, CSO, LDN, CLT). If you’re sitting at home thinking “ignorance with bliss” because you don’t want to risk giving up your favorite foods, think again. Even if the results say you’re sensitive to chocolate or wine, it doesn’t mean you can never have them again. In fact, the overall goal of this process is to reintroduce foods to your diet after you’ve healed your gut. So, this season, get back to spending time with your loved ones instead of laying on the couch, regretting that last meal. When you take advantage of MRT food sensitivity testing, you’ll know exactly which foods you can double up on, and what you should probably steer clear of. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment. Your taste buds—and your body—will thank you.