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3 Benefits of Zinc


Benefits of Zinc

What is it and how can it help you?

Most people have heard of zinc in one of two ways. Either it was as a part of a commercial slogan or it’s that other thing you take with Vitamin C when you have a cold. While it does start with the last letter of the alphabet, it has several important roles that can benefit you and your overall health. Once you know all that it does, you’ll have a better understanding of why it’s the trusted sidekick of Vitamin C.

It is known as one of the 25 most abundant minerals in the earth’s crust. While it’s that abundant on the ground we walk on, there are actually about two billion people in the world that is deficient in this essential mineral. For children, it’s very important in the growth and development of the entire body. As you will see, its purpose goes on for us far beyond childhood.

Immune Support

Let’s go ahead and cover this since this is the most popular benefit. While you probably heard that zinc helps you get over being sick from your parents or other older relatives, research has been done to verify it.

A 2008 study concluded that zinc reduces oxidative stress which helps combat illness and not just the cold or flu. Zinc supports your immune system against other diseases like atherosclerosis, cancer, brain disorders, and the aging process in general.

Zinc can also combat dehydration. A lack of it contributes to the body not being able to absorb water, which could lead to diarrhea and cholera. If your body has sufficient amounts of this mineral, then it will lead to a greater absorption of water and combat these issues.


There are high concentrations of zinc present in the eyes. It plays a role in superoxide dismutase which serves as an antioxidant. Deficiency can lead to blurred vision and changes in the retina. Being insufficient for too long can eventually lead to night blindness.

It also helps transfer Vitamin A from the liver to the retina and creates melanin which is the pigment that protects your eyes. It can also help slow the macular degeneration process.

Brain Health

Zinc also serves as a liaison because it’s involved in the communication of brain cells. A lack of it could lead to memory loss and confused thinking also known as “brain fog”. Research has determined that this mineral has anti-depressant properties so having normal amounts regularly can also help with mood support.

Sources and Recommended Amounts

Recommeded dosages of zinc in adults range from 8-12 mg a day. Zinc is available in many foods you eat. Oysters are the biggest food source but others include red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, grains, seafood, and dairy products.

In supplemental form, there are some products that offer both zinc and Vitamin C as a combination and there are others that include zinc only. Another option is in the form of an intravenous drip which provides much more zinc in less time and has been shown to be a more effective way of taking in and using the zinc provided.

Everything above shows why zinc is combined with Vitamin C as a part of the IV Lounge’s “Immune Support Cocktail”. That is our intravenous drip that offers one liter of fluid that can rehydrate you in a matter of minutes and offer that wellness support that you can use during that time of year you’re most susceptible to illnesses or ailments. For more information on the Immune Support Cocktail, contact us to schedule a consultation today.

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