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Meet the B Family of Vitamins- What are they and how can they help you?


B family Of Vitamins- What Are They and How Can They Help You?

When you look at a list of vitamins, you see a letter associated with them like A, C, and K. When you look for the B Vitamins, they’re quite a few and they have numbers next to them. That’s great when it comes to identifying them on a bottle but do you know what each of those vitamins are and how they can be beneficial to you?

Sure, you could take a B-complex and have your bases covered but knowing what you’re taking is vital in order to achieve your optimal health and wellness levels. Here’s an overview of each B-vitamin and what they can do for you.

B-1 – Thiamine

Thiamine can be found in the liver, kidneys, brain, and heart. B1 is responsible for breaking down sugar molecules from food, synthesizing some hormones, creating fatty acids, and creates certain brain chemicals. Recommended daily value (DV) for adults and children over 4 is 1.2 milligrams.

B-2 – Riboflavin

Riboflavin helps break down fats, plays a role in energy production according to National Institutes of Health, converting tryptophan into niacin, and convert B-6 into a needed coenzyme. 1.3 mg daily is recommended.

B-3 – Niacin

Your body will take this vitamin and convert it into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). It plays more than 400 enzyme roles in the body. Those enzymes help with the expression of DNA in cells, cell communication, and the cells’ metabolic processes. 16 mg a day is best.

B-5 – Pantothenic Acid

This vitamin is essential for coenzyme, protein, and fat creation. Red blood cells transport B-5 where necessary for a variety of needs including energy and metabolism production. Your DV for this is 5 mg.

B-6 – Pyridoxine

This one is an athlete’s best friend for its role in amino acid metabolism, immune support, brain development, and the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats. 1.7 mg a day is an optimal amount.

B-7 – Biotin

Biotin plays a role in the breakdown of the macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fats) in the food you eat every day. It’s also involved in DNA regulation and cell communication. Suggested intake daily is 30 micrograms (mcg).

B-9 – Folate

The natural version of this vitamin is known as folate. In synthetic form, you know it as folic acid. The metabolism of amino acids and vitamins are thanks to the efforts of B-9. It also impacts cell division and DNA replication. DV recommendations are in the range of 400 mcg.


While the team on the field in its entirety wins the game, there is always an MVP. B-12 could be the MVP of the B-complex. The body uses this vitamin for red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, detoxification, overall function of the brain, and is also involved in fat and protein metabolism which can impact your energy levels.

The optimal suggested amount is 2,500 mg. However, you need to take it in from outside sources to have the amount your body needs and making sure you have that absorbed is key in how well it can help you. This is especially true for people that follow a vegan nutrition lifestyle. Fortunately, the IV Lounge offers B-12 intramuscular shots in the form of Methylcobalamin. This ensures that you have an absorption rate of 100% which means your body will maximize the use of this important vitamin.

If your energy is low, you suffer from brain fog, or feel that your body needs assistance with detoxification, B-12 shots or IV therapy with our B-Complex may be your solution. The fact is IV therapy is a better solution than oral options. If you’re in need of these vitamins, make sure you get the best source and are taking in the most efficacious manner so it will last longer. Contact us to book a consultation for more information and find out if this can help you.

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