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IV Therapy: Pros and Cons

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IV Therapy: Pros and Cons

IV Therapy has been around for some time now but it’s just getting the popularity it deserves. This is mainly used in a healthcare setting to deliver nutrients or medications to a patient. As it has become more popular, you will start to see that everyone is starting to take part in the wonders of IV therapy like celebrities and even just your peers. It’s a great way to be able to quickly feel more hydrated but some questions have been raised and people want to know if there are any cons to this?

Vitamin IV therapy can be a great way to target infection, dehydration, and even malnutrition but one thing that everyone should keep in mind is that this isn’t a substitute for a healthy diet. It’s important to be able to keep up with your health out of vitamin IV therapy because it’s not something that you can do everyday. It’s purpose is to ADD on any extra nutrients and benefits that your body may be lacking but if you’re missing out on a healthy lifestyle completely it wont do much good. 

Another challenge that can come from this is the fact that it has to be administered by a qualified professional. It’s not something you can just go out to the store and buy. Because of this, not everyone is able to have access to it maybe because of their schedule or where they live. There are some IV therapy treatment centers that offer Mobile Concierge Service where they can bring the nurse or physician to you but it’s not something that’s very well known at the moment.

We all know that with every bad there can be a good. Since those are some cons or challenges that can come form IV therapy, I figured it’s be good to bring to light some of the pros. We all know that one of the main advantages of IV therapy is the fact that it’s fast acting. If you were dehydrated you would usually drink some water but sometimes that takes hours to do what it has to do. According to AZ IV Medics, with Vitamin IV Therapy, you will be hydrated within minutes and be able to walk out feeling like a new person.

Whenever you’re sick and you need to take some kind of medicine, it’s hard to find something that will tend specifically to what you are feeling. With IV therapy, a lot of the fluids that’s chosen for you is going to be more precise on what your body actually need. This way you’ll feel better instantly without putting any extra chemicals or medications in your body.

At the end of the day I wouldn’t say that there are any liquid IV side effects but more so challenges that can easily be counteracted, It’s important to be able to take care of your health without the supplements of IV therapy but we will say that it’s a great pick me up for those rougher days.

Come to the IV Lounge to see what different types of IV Cocktails and IM Shots we have to offer.

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