Can Infrared Saunas Burn Fat?

Infrared Sauna

Can Infrared Saunas Burn Fat? Will it help with your weight loss goals? While the IV Lounge is known for our work with IV Therapy, it isn’t the only service we provide for the people we serve. Another service that is getting attention is our Infrared Saunas. There are numerous benefits that sitting in these…

Can IV Therapy Help with Weight Loss?

weight loss

Can IV Therapy Help With Weight Loss? Can you slim down with the help of this practice? There are always people looking for help when it comes to their weight loss journey. Either it’s due to a medical issue or it’s a goal for performance and personal reasons. For as long as people have been…

A Dietitian And The Benefits


A Dietitian and The Benefits If you’re wanting to learn about how your car works and how to maximize its ability to perform, you wouldn’t do a random search and hope for the best, would you? Going to a certified mechanic or professional that knows about most or all types of vehicles would likely be…

Vitamin C: Your Immune System’s Secret Weapon


Your Immune System’s Secret Weapon This one vitamin can provide you with a big benefit. Now more than ever, people are viewing health as more than one’s athletic ability or fitness levels. Wellness and feeling healthy has become a top priority for many people. While performing an exercise routine, taking a multivitamin, and eating more…

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