Discover sustained health with our expertly formulated wellness infusions.

The Jet Lag Cocktail Can Relieve The Stress of Traveling

jet lag

The Jet Lag Cocktail Feel better and live better with this blend. If you feel like you’re having trouble sleeping, feel weaker than usual, or that you’re constantly thirsty, you might write it off as being due to stress. That could be an error that doesn’t address the actual problem. You could potentially be deprived […]

The Myers Cocktail Can Be Your IV Multi

Myers Cocktail

The Myers Cocktail Can Be Your IV Multi This is still relevant and productive over five decades after its introduction. There are certain names that are associated with their craft or profession thanks to that person’s contributions to the field. For the medical community, the name John Myers is the most famous name associated with […]

3 Benefits of Zinc


Benefits of Zinc What is it and how can it help you? Most people have heard of zinc in one of two ways. Either it was as a part of a commercial slogan or it’s that other thing you take with Vitamin C when you have a cold. While it does start with the last […]

Vitamin C: Your Immune System’s Secret Weapon


Your Immune System’s Secret Weapon This one vitamin can provide you with a big benefit. Now more than ever, people are viewing health as more than one’s athletic ability or fitness levels. Wellness and feeling healthy has become a top priority for many people. While performing an exercise routine, taking a multivitamin, and eating more […]

The Mother Antioxidant: Glutathione


The Mother Antioxidant:Glutathione GLUTATHIONE: It’s an antioxidant and probably the most important molecule you need to stay healthy and prevent disease — yet you’ve probably never heard of it. It’s the secret to prevent aging, cancer, heart disease, dementia, and more, and necessary to treat everything from autism to Alzheimer’s disease. There are more than 89,000 medical […]

My First IV Therapy Experience: Episode 1

My First IV Therapy Experience: Episode 1 Originally Written by Sonni Abotta I was a late adopter of coffee. I know, weird, right? For years I went just for unsweetened green tea, and not even because I needed a caffeine boost, but because I enjoyed it. Then I had kids and I was like, okay, […]