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Working Out: Morning or Night?

Working Out: Morning or Night? The IV Lounge

Working Out: Morning or Night?

Now I know that the words working out can mean different things for many people. You’re either someone who takes it very seriously or someone who puts it at the bottom of your priority list. Whichever one you are, it’s no secret that exercise is important for our health. One of the biggest questions that people ask is if it’s better to work out in the morning or at the end of the day. This can be a hard question to answer because of the fact that everybody’s schedules are different so at the end of the day it has to be whatever works best for you.

Of course with everything that you do, there are pros and cons. This also goes for working out. When you workout in the morning, research says that you tend to sleep better at night. We all know that sleep is important for our bodies to function the way they should throughout the day. CNET brings up the fact that it can even be a great way to change your circadian rhythm.

Morning exercise can help make you more alert in the daytime, which will then make you more tired in the evenings. Because working out in the mornings can make you more alert, it is said that people who decide to workout in the morning seem to be more consistent. It can help leave less room for excuses after a long day of work and other duties.

Fitting in a workout after your day is something that people rarely do. There are, though, a handful of people that can knock it out no matter when they finish their day. When it comes to afternoon-evening workouts, it is said that your physical performance may improve because some people function better later in the day.

We all know how it feels to get off of a long day at work. Our stress levels are probably on 100 and all we want to do is make it all go away. Exercising is a great way to do that. It has been proven to help you wind down before bed by releasing endorphins into your body.

At the end of the day while there are pros to both times, the right time to workout is whenever you can! If you are a morning person, then you know you’ll get better results at that time. If you’re a night person then night workouts are for you. There is also the point of busy schedules.

Some schedules may not allow for you to work out in the morning and vice versa so it’s up to what you can handle. It is important to be able to keep a routine. This way your body understands when it should be burning the most calories. This can eventually help with long-term weight loss. Eventually, it’s just a great thing to be able to get up and workout!

We offer an IV diet that helps with improving your athletic performance so that if you want to try a new workout schedule, you don’t feel so beat up. This is called the Athletic Recovery Cocktail. It helps with reviving your fatigued and dehydrated muscles for a more productive workout.


Call us at The IV Lounge to hear more information and make an appointment today!



Capritto, Amanda. “This is The Best Time Of Day To Exercise, Backed By Science.” CNET, 15 July 2021, https://www.cnet.com/health/fitness/when-should-you-exercise-morning-afternoon-or-night/.


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